089: Creative Practice (Takeaways)

All children are drawn to creative projects. Most of us learn through experimentation, improvisation, and play.

Did you have hobbies, crafts, and other outlets growing up?

I hope they brought you great joy!

A video response to Mailbag X.

[ 1 min ]

What do you think?


In this same series :

083: Reader Mailbag (X)
Your responses re: creative practice.
080: Recap (VIII)
Reflections at 80 weeks in.
087: Evergreen Skills (Takeaways)
On timeless skills and knowledge.
88: Exercise + Movement (Takeaways)
On the value of exercise and movement.

Further exploration :

Creativity - The Fire Jar
Arts, design, general creative inspiration.
Interactive - The Fire Jar
Courses, tutorials, prompts, and invitations.