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The Fire Jar

A personal blog / newsletter, exploring art and embodied movement.

Deep questions, playful drawings, short exercise videos :

Published by Jeremy Finch
1-2x / month 📬

Spark energy, curiosity, wonder [ learn more ].

Recent Posts

Members Public

147: Fear vs Confidence Loops

Two powerful reinforcing cycles.

147: Fear vs Confidence Loops
Members Public

146: Ankle Mobility Training

How I train ankles and feet.

146: Ankle Mobility Training
Members Public

145: Circus Training

The time I (almost) joined the circus.

145: Circus Training
Members Public

144: New Year

Wishing you a great start to 2024.

144: New Year
Members Public

143: Parenting (V)

On letting children guide you.

143: Parenting (V)