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Tech / biz insights. Minimal-ish jargon.

Members Public

116: Hidden Mindfulness

Embedded software meditations.

116: Hidden Mindfulness
Members Public

077: Communication (II)

On interpreting reality and shaping beliefs.

077: Communication (II)
Members Public

075: Communication (I)

Ten communication notes to self.

075: Communication (I)
Members Public

069: Tech Epochs (II)

Two frameworks for technological change.

069: Tech Epochs (II)
Members Public

068: Tech Epochs (I)

A theory of tech cycles, by Douglas Adams.

068: Tech Epochs (I)
Members Public

063: Team Dynamics

A summary of the Four Player Model.

063: Team Dynamics
Members Public

059: Operations (II)

Five ways to keep your systems running.

059: Operations (II)
Members Public

058: Operations (I)

WTF is Operations Management?

058: Operations (I)
Members Public

057: Negotiation (II)

A response to the first negotiation post.

057: Negotiation (II)
Members Public

055: Divide et Impera

The history of Divide and Conquer.

055: Divide et Impera