145: Circus Training
The time I (almost) joined the circus.
As a child, I loved the circus:
The risk, the humor, the athleticism, the timeless all-ages performance magic etc.
I remember obsessively watching old VHS circus recordings to study the craft.
In my late teens and early twenties, I (re)discovered a love of acrobatics.
Handbalancing, in particular, became my passion.
Below are some other clips from what was likely my peak gymnastics and acrobatics training era (2009-10). At this point, I was mostly self-taught - training with friends.
Alas, I think I started training two decades too late to ever make it professionally.
30 sec videoAt time of publishing, I am in my late 30s.
As I watch these clips now, I think :
There's no way my body could do this stuff today!
It's shocking to look back and see how one's movement interests and abilities evolve over time. I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I was just learning how to walk.
It's amazing how time flies.
Related :
Catch you on the flippity flip.