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105: Parenting Thoughts (II)

The little guy is teaching us a lot.

Jeremy Finch
Jeremy Finch
2 min read
105: Parenting Thoughts (II)

We're nearly a year into parenthood.

Time flies!
Things change so fast.

Our son inspires me to :
◦ Sing more songs
◦ Reduce my screen time
◦ Hang out on the floor

He notices small, strange details.
And reveals new perspectives.

He teaches me to zoom in and zoom out.

Birth made me see life differently.

I see death differently now, too.

Last year, we brought our son to a funeral.
It was a stark reminder.

Birth and death are connected.

All things are transient.

How to spend this time?


Thanks for your replies!

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Your responses re: living a “good life”.

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