099: Parenting Thoughts (I)
Reflections on becoming a father.
Becoming a dad has been one of my greatest joys (so far) in life.
Every parent's experience is unique. And every child's experience.
Shout out to Stephanie for being an amazing partner!
Ten insights
(no particular order)
1 / Everyone has been a newborn.
Your friends / grandparents / worst enemies were all once tiny babies
2 / At heart, all humans want to feel safe and loved.
Accepted and recognized.
Considered part of the pack.
3 / This Alan Watts line resonates :
We think we 'came into' this world.
But we actually came out of this world - like leaves from a tree."
4 / It's hard enough to manage one child with two adults.
It's almost impossible to imagine being a single parent.
5 / Caregiving (of all types) is essential for a healthy, functioning society.
And yet caregivers continue to remain underrated.
6 / The brain is an amazing neural network.
Synapses connect and prune. I'm observing his real-time discoveries in language, movement, simple physics, cause and effect etc.
7 / Concepts like burpees and operations management have taken on completely new meanings.
8 / There are lots of fun new primate skills to explore.
9 / How do humans learn language?
An eight-month collection of audio clips 📺
[ 55 sec ]
10 / I love this time-travel exercise.
It pairs especially well with moments of change.
Parts II and III :
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