070 - Recap (VII)
Reflections, at 70 weeks. And a baby!
All previous recaps
I'm thrilled to announce that The Fire Jar has expanded its core executive team.
Since Ep 60, we hired a VP of Strategic Input-Output Operations and Deputy Assistant (to the) Regional Editor in Chief.
So far, the little guy has been caught napping repeatedly at his desk, wailing at odd hours, and taking the occasional bath in the office sink. Classic.
He's also tested the limits of our negotiation skills and my patented just-in-time diaper inventory management system (#Operations).
Shout out Stephanie.
And all moms / parents everywhere!
This aint easy.
I'm reflecting on :
Weekly publishing schedules.
As much as I enjoy drawing, noodling on design minutiae, and editing, I want to make this practice sustainable. I have less free time now.
How do new parents preserve space for big personal (and professional) projects?
Doubling down on collaborations.
People responded positively to crowdsourced drawings, the reader mailbags, and this photo gallery.
Please keep your replies and ideas coming! Feedback loops are vital.
What is this...?
Is The Fire Jar a macaroni art playground for a small circle of existing supporters? Could it someday fulfill a legible purpose in the marketplace? Should I narrow its focus? Or keep following my gut and simply trust in emergence, over time?
👉 I'd love to hear your thoughts 👈
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