102: New Year
Wishing you a great start to 2022.

Here are some end of year reflections.
And a simple goal-setting process.

2021 review
Last year, I wrote some notes-to-self :
- Invest patiently
- Honor the caregivers
- Start, don't wait
My personal 2021 highlight was the arrival of our son. For me, becoming a parent ended up combining these three themes together.
In one cute, squawking little bundle.
The other high point was Fire Jar 100.
It's been a privilege to connect with people and figure out how to sustain an online conversation. From a macro perspective, I firmly believe that email newsletters and personal blogs are more vibrant and relevant today than ever before.
If you're thinking of starting your own, I'd love to support your efforts!

A goal-setting process
A few months back, I asked a friend to explain his goal-setting process.
I've found his framework to be helpful.
If you're not sure not to focus on, pause and reflect right now :
[ take 30 seconds ]
What's felt good in 2021?
What do you hope for in 2022?
Where will you put your energy?
Regardless of where this next year evolves, I wish you joy, nimbleness, and agility.

Happy new year!
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