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100: Recap X

Some lessons learned, 100 weeks in.

Jeremy Finch
Jeremy Finch
5 min read
100: Recap X

Today marks 100 Fire Jars.

This builds on recap IX and covers :

  • Three high points
  • What's next?
  • The last ten weeks

Thanks for the support!

Three high points

Things that make me happy: Creating consistently, collaborating with awesome people, and connecting with Fire Jar readers.

1/ Creating a lot.

I've published 31,775 words here.
Hundreds of drawings, three podcasts, 35 videos, two mini-courses, ten retrospectives etc.

Most fell short.
Some even failed spectacularly!
But it still felt good to ship consistently.

I showed up every Monday, even when it was hard.

2/ Getting your email responses.

My main metric for the newsletter = number of quality replies it generates.

Did it spark a conversation?
If so, great success.

Past mailbags :

1: On creativity
2: Responses to "Life is a Jumble"
3: Responses to "Exponential Patience"
4: Responses to "Imaginary Pie"
5: Responses to "Different Scales"
6: Responses to "Top Regrets"
7: Responses to "Tech Epochs"
8: On timeless skills and knowledge
9: On mindful movement
10: On the value of creative practice

I hope you'll keep writing.

3/ Awesome collaborators!

Neige, Cory, Lucas, Emily, Matt, Doug, Erica, Steve, Jay, my Mom, Paul M, Jen, #kinfo1k, Jeremy, Tareef, Ray, my Gramma, Paul H, Avi, Ben, Chris, Kory etc.
[ + many others ]

Everyone added energy and inspiration.

Thank you!

Also: It was fun to see your drawings.

What's next?

I plan to relax the weekly cadence.

Goal: Carve out space for more experiments. Try new things.

Explore themes in greater depth. Test out more interactive mini-courses: Simple sequences with daily prompts. Short multimedia invitations. Delivered by email.

Like this or this.

Always in motion the future

A friend says:

In an opt-in world, where you devote your energy is a signal to others about what matters to you."

Thanks for opting in.

As always,
open to your suggestions.

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The last nine 👇

091: Illustration Process
Some sketches I made for an article.
092: “Best Self” Exercise
A simple / powerful growth exercise.
093: Paleolithic Emotions
A simple (powerful) paradox.
094: Playlist (II)
Dreamy, relaxing (44 min). Via Spotify.
095: Touch Your Toes
Exploring a simple mobility prompt.
096: Self-states
We all inhabit many roles and personas.
097: Two Roads
A modern spin on the classic poem.
098: Behind the Scenes (II)
How I design Fire Jar graphics.
099: Parenting Thoughts
Reflections on becoming a father.

Meta - The Fire Jar
A ~quarterly reflection on process.

Where it all began!

001: Hello, World
What is this remote corner of the internet...?

Season 2RetrospectivesCollaborationsCreativity