101: Season III
Aaaaand we're back.
It's been four weeks since Fire Jar 100. I needed a break. But I also missed the weekly rhythms, rituals, and interactions.
I'm ready to pick things back up again.
Today marks the start of Season III!
Cue: Inspirational off-season training montage
Shot by Ray
The disconnect between knowing and doing
Something I think about, often = Intellectually, I know that certain things are good, healthy, positive, beneficial etc. But I still struggle to put this knowledge into practice. Why is this?
There's a difference between knowing that something is good for you, and being able to do that thing consistently.
Some examples 📃
- I know I should drink more water, but end up drinking coffee instead
- I know sleep is great for me, but "can't find the time" to nap / rest
- I know I should put myself out there, but am afraid of rejection
Knowledge ≠ action.
Share your wisdom
Thanks for your replies!
Recent website updates
There's a new theme. And about page.
I also added some more categories 📂
Movement, prompts, creativity, business, mailbag etc.
Look around. See what catches the eye!
I found some old notebook sketches.
They're from ~20 years ago 📓
Part of my continuous line phase
[ ~2003 ]
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